
Welcome to the official website of WBI NorAm, a short for Wanita Bethel Indonesia North America . This is where we as Women's Department members of our local Bethel Church of Indonesian community (Gereja Bethel Indonesia) in the USA and Canada gather in one beautiful fellowship via online activities and an anual in-person conferences with incredible anointed guest speakers from other continents around the globe. This brings us together as sisters in Christ to embark on a spiritual journey with a shared passion for diving into God's word, seeking Him with unified heart and grow together in spirit and in truth. 
Who We are

Wanita Bethel Indonesia

Wanita Bethel Indonesia is a Women's Department within the Synod of Gereja Bethel Indonesia, committed to serve...

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What We Believe

Vision & Beliefs

This is the page of our Vision and Mission,  as one of the departments of the Synod of Gereja Bethel Indonesia.

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When and Where

Our Fellowship

This page shows our Agenda. It will guide us to each gathering thru virtual activities and in-person conferences.

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Contact us

We would love to hear from you 

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, give us any input, suggestions in regards to WBI North America, or even a Prayer request. Feel free to fill out and submit the form in box. 
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